Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cats and a Turtle

I found a turtle the other day and brought it inside to say hi to the cats for a minute. Garfunkel has had his turtle fix in the past, so he was unimpressed. Hayduke, however thought the turtle was sort of interesting.  And yes, this is how Garfunkel sleeps, every night. He spoons me, or I spoon him. Sometimes I wonder if he is, in fact, a cat? Camera Critters


  1. I don't think Sinbad would have much interest in either unless it was moving. But he is a bed-hog indeed.

  2. I understand cats fascination with the turtle. I find them intriguing, too. Great shots.

  3. Love the curious paw in the first photo and Garfunkel's love of bed comfort is adorable!

  4. Aw, what cute kitties! I don't think I've ever introduced mine to a turtle, that's a cute photo. And I have a kitty who spoons also -- William the Orange -- every night he spends at least part of it snuggled with me. He's my FTU (Feline Thermal Unit) :-)

    Visiting via Camera Critters

  5. That would be fun to watch a cat with a turtle for the first time! As long as the cat didn't hurt the turtle!

  6. Cute! That must have been fun to watch.

  7. You should put links to the cutest pics of these guys on
    It has almost 2 million users obsessed with cute cats.
